

This is a great place for recipes to try, to read my blogs about life, see me progress with my photography and find out what my next project to help others is. Becky Lipp is ALL about love, a place of positivity, reflection and beauty. Thanks for taking the time to join me.

Tuesday 9 August 2011

Beauty is everywhere!

Beauty IS everywhere!  If we decide to live in the moment and take a deep breath of life in, then we would see beauty in every part of our day.  We get swept up in 'doing stuff' and most of the time miss the amazingly wonderous moments that we are presented with each day.  I know I do!  I want to start really being conscious of life.  Conscious definition; aware of one's own existence, sensations, thoughts, surroundings. 

When I wake in the morning, all warm in my bed with my youngest son curled up in my arms and I can smell him and pull him closer to me for a kiss, that is beauty right there.  Our bond as mother and child.  I have just started my day like this....WOW!  How lucky am I?  Then my eldest son rushes in, 'morning Mum!' and plants a big kiss on my cheek.  I look at his beautiful face smiling at me and just feel so happy to be in this moment right now.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for reminding me to stop and realise how lucky I am. I never want to take the amazing gift of motherhood for granted.
